Are you thinking of summer vacations? Taking a long drive down to the beach? Alternatively, maybe, you just want to get in the car, turn on the AC and go for a spin. Whatever your plans, you need to remember to care for your car during these coming months when the weather can see extremely high temperatures. Auto repair is probably not the first thing you want to think of in the summer, but your car can break down more easily and, at the very least, it can be agreed that finding yourself stuck on some highway with a tire blow out, or having to finish a long trip without a functional car AC system is not the preferred way to spend a summer day.
In the summer, the sweltering temperatures can make daily driving harder on your vehicle. You need to pay attention to certain things to make your car summer-ready, so a little preventative maintenance can go a long way towards making your car fully functional during these months. From checking your air conditioner to making sure it cools properly, making sure your engine runs smoothly, efficiently, and cool, it is helpful and preventative to prioritize summer auto maintenance.
High summer temperatures can heat your car's engine even more. In fact, an overheated engine is one of the main causes of summer car repair issues.
Your car uses coolant, which is a special liquid used to cool down your engine. Top off your coolant levels and keep an eye on it regularly during the summer. Check and top off your coolant levels every few weeks, but if you know you have a leak or other problem, check it much more frequently. If you see a leak in a hose or under the car and it appears to be the color of your coolant, it is time to take your car into the mechanic to have it professionally examined.
The last thing you want to stop working is the A/C unit. Summer can be extremely hot depending on where you travel, and will feel even more so without the AC working well. Get it inspected by an AC specialist. A working A/C prioritizes comfort, which is important for drive safety.
Summer can mean big summer rainstorms. Switch out your wiper blades for new ones so you will not be caught without being able to see during a storm. While you are at it, get your wash fluid filled too so it will clean your windshield of all the summer debris.
In the hot summer months, you may want to change your oil more frequently. If you plan on taking long road trips, you need to get your car inspected by an auto repair specialist and you need ensure your oil is not in need of a refill or change to no compromise our vehicle’s drivability or engine, specifically.
Before you head out on a great road trip, take your car to a mechanic and ask for a preventative maintenance inspection. The mechanics will inspect the engine thoroughly to make sure it is road-ready.
When temperatures start to rise into the 90s, the pavement and asphalt get hotter, and this inflates your tires. Tires are at a higher risk of experiencing blowouts during these months. Check the tire pressure levels and use your vehicle's manual to see what pressure you should keep your tires at. Be sure to check the pressure at least once a month during the hotter months of summer.
You also want to make sure you keep track of the tire rotations during the summer and be sure to visually inspect your tires and the tread life. If you notice that your tires are visibly appearing old and worn, it may be time to replace them.
Summer weather can be harder on your car. Keep out of the hear as much as possible to prevent weather damage and practice basic preventative care to ensure your vehicle runs smoothly during these months your travel or experience hotter weather.